Install our support agent on a new computer

Last updated by Luke Bradshaw on January 17, 2024 11:35


If you've received a new computer, and you need to install our support tool on it manually before setting up the computer, please follow this guide to allow us to connect as efficiently as possible.

Get online

This process may change slightly over time, but you'll first see something similar to this:

If you're able to connect your computer to the internet via a wired "ethernet" cable (directly, or via a dock/hub), do so now.

If not, you need to use Wi-Fi. Proceed through the set-up process on screen. Once you've set your region and keyboard layout, you can then join your Wi-Fi network, but -  do not progress through the setup any further.

Command Prompt

The next step is to open "Command Prompt", a dark window with light text. To do this, just press the Shift key and the F10 key together. On some keyboards, you may also need to press the fn key at the same time. Command Prompt should appear:


Click the Command Prompt window to focus it, then type the following text - including the two spaces as shown:

msiexec /i

You should now see this:

Hit the Enter or Return key on your keyboard to run the command. You should briefly see an installer like this:

Once this disappears, the support agent is installed! You can now leave the computer for us to complete the setup.